I lived through 1968, I was ten. My mom and dad were big time liberals. They wholeheartedly supported the Civil Rights movement and Pa worked for the RFK campaign. With MLK and Bobby both being murdered my folks were reeling, absolutely devastated. Then my uncle was badly wounded in Vietnam that summer. He received a head wound he never fully recovered from. When my grandpa heard the news about his son he had a heart attack and nearly died. I mean damn, it was a rough year.

But in September Dad landed his dream job with NASA. I remember watching Apollo 8 circling the Moon that December. The reading of Genesis as we watched the moonscape go by seemed hauntingly appropriate, even though the family was not religious at all. It was a very needed shot of hope after a terribly chaotic twelve months. Yeah, things are crazy right now, but we've been here before. As a wise men once said about such times, "We can't wait for a light at the end of the tunnel, we must be that light."

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David - we really are living in a Leonard Cohen song, aren't we!

This main image was taken in Rome this summer, a room off the Coliseum. A strange, dark moment in a place with..."some history." There is a man sitting there, kind of hard to see.

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Yeah, I see him on the lower right I think. Some history indeed! I hear stuff used to happen there.

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The inbetween days - aren't those the majority of our lives?

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Hey Annette - quite possibly! I am one of those people that clings to the myths and hoaxes of my youth for some reason, convinced the sweet easy good times are just ahead. Meanwhile, Reagan was president when I was a teenager. Well, at least we had rock & roll, and punk, and ska.

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